We follow Jesus’ example by nurturing each child’s growth as a whole person: academically, physically, spiritually and socially.
Increasing in favor with God - To learn about my Creator. To understand He loves me. To live a life that honors Him.
Increasing in wisdom - To learn about the world around me. To understand how it works in it's order. To live a life that empowers others with what I've discovered.
Increasing in stature - To learn about my body and mind. To understand what is best for me. To live a life that brings health and happiness.
Increasing in favor with man - To learn who is my neighbor. To understand we are equal. To live a life of service.
As a parent or caretaker you want the best for your child and as teachers, so do we.
We believe the best education results when Christ is at the center of all we do, the Bible is our foundation and students learn through a whole child approach––nurturing their growth spiritually, academically, physically and socially. Here are some ways students benefit from our Christ-centered education.
Every child benefits from:
We look forward to hearing from you and showing how your child can thrive and grow here.
Click here to print a list of the Calendar Events for 2024-2025.
Online Spring See's Candies Fundraiser
Remembering Pastor Larry, a beloved colleague
Meet Our Newest Teacher, Mrs. Eby!
A Fond Farewell to an Amazing Teacher, Mrs. Lalas!
School News
Partnering For Eternity-Relationships Across Generations
School Uniform Policy, Updated September 2023
Galt Adventist School named Business of the Month 2018
“We believe the Adventist advantage in education is due to a holistic approach taken by the school system. There’s an unusual commitment to educating the mind, body and spirit.”
Ready to get started?
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